
Bride of Frankenstein makeup I did for my client featured on Queerty's Instagram

I ran & was elected to be a Castro Cultural District Board Member

ABC7News / Localish feature on my Moulin Rouge mural @ Orpheum Theatre

Datebook San Francisco Chronicle feature on my Moulin Rouge mural @ Orpheum Theatre

LatinoEdge feature on my
Moulin Rouge mural @ Orpheum Theatre

My book 1963 is Not an End But a Beginning featured on KQEDArts

Hot Pink List featured on my comic book work & drag on
San Francisco Bay Guardian

#ChangingFaceOfDrag feature on KQED

#ChangingFaceOfDrag feature on KQED

Featured speaker at RuPaul's DragCon

Featured speaker at RuPaul's DragCon

WOW Presents Plus: Featured on Alyssa's Secret

Best Of feature on SF Weekly

Best Of SFWeekly
Best Bearded Lady

Best Of feature in SF Weekly Best Bearded Lady

Best Of SFWeekly: The Circus Issue
Best Bearded Lady

BuzzFeed Viral post: 2016. I created the "Disney Princess X-Men" and in about 2 weeks got millions of views, comments, & shared globally on in USA & Brazil and is still popping up today in astrology & covid memes.

This work was also featured on,,, Design Taxi, Heroic Girls, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube & 9gag

Disney Princess X-Men BuzzFeed Viral post created millions of views and comments shared globally on,, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube & in Brazilian websites from 2016 thru today in astrology & covid memes.

I created the "Disney Princess X-Men" and in about 2 weeks got millions of views, comments & shared globally on in USA & Brazil and is still popping up today in astrology & covid memes.

BuzzFeed Viral post 2016,,, Design Taxi, Heroic Girls, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube & 9gag

My work @ Antebellum Gallery show on World Of Wonder

arts & culture section of SF WEEKLY

Interview in Arts & Culture section

Cover of Theatre Bay Area

Every year, SFBG single out members of the LGBT community for special appreciation — activists, performers, artists, or just plain cool peeps who rocked out socks off. Honored for my work in comics & fashion Hot Pink List 2011 San Francisco Bay Guardian

Every year, SFBG single out members of the LGBT community for special appreciation — activists, performers, artists, or just plain cool peeps who rocked out socks off.

Honored for my work in comics & fashion Hot Pink List 2011 San Francisco Bay Guardian